Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Foods That Are So Bones Enemies

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Foods That Are So Bones Enemies


Jakarta, Bone is a basic form of the body to health must be noticed with specials. One is to avoid 5 drinks and foods that can terrorize bone health. Food or nutrients consumed can be positive and negative for bone health, such as calcium is good for bone health. But some of the other nutrients can actually cause the bones weakened to terrorize his health. There are 5 drinks and good foods reduced consumption so that bones remain healthy, as taken from Lifemojo, Monday (25/04/2011) namely:

1. Soft Drink (soft drink)

Some large sodas contain phosphoric acid which can increase the rate of calcium excretion through the urine. Beyond that this drink is often more favorable in the appeal of healthier drinks to reduce the overall consumption of calisum.

2. Salt

Consuming excessive salt or a special sodium content can result in a loss of calcium until the bone also weakens over time. Some experts explain a person will also lose 40 mg of calcium in the urine each consumes 2. 300 mg of sodium. With the exception of table salt, salt is also often found in almost all processed foods such as breakfast cereals and fast food. Consumption of potassium-rich foods can help reduce the loss of calcium in the body and help balance the sodium content in the blood. Foods rich in potassium such as sweet potatoes, bananas, tomatoes and spinach.

3. Caffeine

Cafein is not just in coffee, but also on the power drinks. Very much caffeine consumption can terrorize bone health. To overcome it try to limit the consumption of coffee, make sure tea beverage karna compounds in the plant there is a chance to make bone protection and provide milk to coffee to reduce the impact of weakening bones.

4. Alcohol

Studies show that excessive alcohol consumption can affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis. This is because consuming alcohol can disrupt the pancreas and absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Beyond that alcohol also affects the role of osteoblasts (some bone-forming cells) and reduce estrogen that makes bone repair slows down.

5. Hydrogenated oil Studies show vitamin K is also destroyed when liquid vegetable oil is converted into solid form by hydrogenation (saturating) system. Although vitamin K is actually needed for strong bones and calcium absorption. Therefore try to replace it with canola oil and olive oil. (ver / ir)

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Foods That Be Enemy Bone Jakarta, Bone is the basic form of the body so that health must be considered in particular. One is to avoid 5 foods and drinks that can threaten bone health. Food or nutrients consumed can have a positive impact and also negative for bone health, such as calcium is good for bone health. But some other nutrients can actually cause weakened bones that threaten his health. There are 5 foods and drinks should be reduced intake to keep bone healthy, as quoted from Lifemojo, Monday (25/04/2011) namely: 1. Soft drinks (soft drinks) Most soda drinks contain phosphoric acid which can increase the rate of calcium excretion through the urine. In addition, this drink is also often preferred than other drinks that are healthier so as to reduce the overall intake of kalisum. 2. Salt Consumption of excess salt or specific sodium levels can cause loss of calcium so that the bone will weaken over time. Experts say someone will lose 40 mg of calcium in the urine every consumption of 2,300 mg of sodium. In addition to table salt, salt is also often found in almost all processed foods such as breakfast cereals and fast food. Eating foods rich in potassium can help reduce the loss of calcium in the body and helps balance sodium levels in the blood. Foods rich in potassium such as sweet potatoes, bananas, tomatoes and spinach. 3. Caffeine Caffeine is not only present in coffee, but also in energy drinks. Too much caffeine consumption can threaten bone health. To overcome them try to limit the intake of coffee, choose a tea drink because the compounds in the plant there is likely to protect bones and add milk to coffee to reduce the effects of weakening bones. 4. Alcohol Studies show excessive alcohol consumption can affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis. This is because alcohol consumption can disrupt the pancreas and absorption of calcium and vitamin D. In addition, alcohol also affects the function of osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) and reduce estrogen that makes bone renovation slows down. 5. Hydrogenated oil Studies show vitamin K will be destroyed when liquid vegetable oil is converted into solid form through a hydrogenation process (saturating). Whereas vitamin K is needed for strong bones and calcium absorption. For that, try replacing it with canola oil and olive oil. (Ver / ir)

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Jokowi Geburtstag, diese 3 gesunde Gewohnheiten können repliziert werden

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Jokowi Geburtstag, diese 3 gesunde Gewohnheiten können repliziert werden


Jakarta, Präsident Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ist heute, Mittwoch (21/6), der 56. Geburtstag. Obwohl bereits 56 Jahre alt, ist Jokowi immer noch fit und fit. Dies ist offensichtlich von den Aktivitäten an seinem Geburtstag, die um Bogor Regentschaft sein wird, um Leute zu treffen und Pakete sembako.Putra älteste von 4 Geschwistern wurde von dem Ehepaar Noto Mihardjo und Sudjatmi geboren. Er wurde in Surakarta, Zentral-Java geboren. Agar bleib fit und fit wie Jokowi, dezikHealth fasst auch einige gesunde Gewohnheiten zusammen, die nachgeahmt werden können. Etwas? Lesen Sie auch: Happy Birthday Pak Jokowi, Präsident von Drinking Herbs Wild Ginger





1. Kräuter trinken Manchmal wird der in Surakarta, Zentraljava, geborene Mann oft als sein Lieblingsgetränk Kräutermedizin genannt. In der Tat nennt er bereits 14 Jahre essen grüne Bohnen mit Ingwer und Honig püriert gegeben Kräutergetränk zu trinken. Das Doping ist Kräutermedizin. Temulawak der gleiche Honig, sagte Jokowi, wie bereits früher detikHealth berichtet. Lesen Sie auch: Dies er profitiert Gesunde Jamu, dass verdünnte Getränk Jokowi2. Radfahren Seit seiner Tätigkeit als Gouverneur des DKI Jakarta war Jokowi auch als Radrennfahrer bekannt. Er hatte sogar eine Strecke von 16 km mit dem Fahrrad von seiner offiziellen Heimat zum Rathaus, und fahren Sie mit BKT. Mein Fahrrad am billigsten ist Rp 700 Tausend. Wenn die teuer, wie nicht aus dem Schweiß. Anstatt teure Fahrräder zu kaufen, den Motor zu reparieren. Hehehe, Jokowi Witze zu dieser Zeit. Lesen Sie auch: Am Geburtstag, Jokowi Anteil für Bogor Sinjo Roving3. Eat tempeh Jede Mahlzeit, auf dem Teller Jokowi haben fast immer tempe. Obwohl einfach, jetzt ist Tempe weltweit. Weil die Veganer auf der ganzen Welt viele, die Tempeh anstelle von Fleisch verwendet haben. Tempe hat den Inhalt, freie Radikale zu bekämpfen, so kann es den Alterungsprozess hemmen und das Auftreten von degenerativen Krankheiten wie Arteriosklerose, koronarer Herzkrankheit, Diabetes mellitus und Krebs verhindern. Tempeh enthält auch antibakterielle Substanzen, die Durchfall verursachen, den Cholesterinspiegel senken, Herzerkrankungen, Bluthochdruck und andere verhindern. Lesen Sie auch: Nicht Mangostan Haut, Jokowi Wählen Sie Wild Ingwer, um Ausdauer während des Fastens (Frau / up)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

A partire da agosto, East Java partecipa al morbillo Immunization-Rubella


A partire da agosto, East Java partecipa al morbillo Immunization-Rubella


Surabaya, le preoccupazioni sull'emergenza del virus del morbillo e della rosolia sono sempre più diffuse in questo momento, non da ultimo in East Java. Questa malattia ha dimostrato di interferire con la crescita di anak.Menurut dati World Health Agency, l'Indonesia ha la maggior parte dei casi di problemi di morbillo nei bambini. Nel 2015, il numero ha raggiunto 4.750 casi, tra cui East Java e Madura che hanno registrato la maggior parte dei casi. Questo è stato presentato dal Dr. Vinod Bura, l'anziano epidemiologo dell'OMS a margine della socializzazione dell'impegno di East Java, che ha realizzato Recentemente il morbillo e la rosolia indonesiana a Graha Pena Surabaya. Perché l'Indonesia sta ottenendo maggiore attenzione in questa immunizzazione? Perché l'Indonesia ha un sacco di gente, circa 5 milioni di persone sono qui e più di 4.750 casi di morbillo nel 2015, ha detto. Leggi anche: Pericolo di complicazioni da morbillo se i bambini non sono vaccinati Quindi, il governo ha preparato diverse strategie per risolvere questo problema. Uno di questi è la promozione dell'immunizzazione del morbillo e della rosolia o comunemente nota come MMR. Per liberare i bambini da questi pericolosi virus, il governo ha distribuito milioni di vaccini vaccini a vari servizi sanitari diffusi nell'isola di Giava e fuori da Java.7,4 milioni di vili sono stati distribuiti in diverse località dell'isola di Giava e fuori da Java, nella stessa occasione, ha dichiarato lo staff di esperti del ministero della Salute, il dott. Pattiselanno Roberth Johan, MARS. Aggiunto Pattiselanno, l'immunizzazione del morbillo e della rosolia sarà programmata in due fasi. La prima fase inizia il 1 ° agosto - 31 settembre 2017 a DI Yogyakarta come prima provincia ad eseguirlo, poi proseguita nel 2018, coprendo 28 province al di fuori dell'isola di Java. Leggi anche: Anti-Vaccine, alcune di queste aree Malattie da focolai epidemiciData da varie fonti, la rosolia o il morbillo tedesco è una malattia virale caratterizzata da un'eruzione cutanea rossa sulla pelle. Attacca generalmente bambini e adolescenti all'età di 9 mesi-15 anni. Questa malattia può causare danni agli organi del corpo del bambino, specialmente quando si attaccano donne incinte all'età di meno di cinque mesi. Un numero di organi a rischio di danno da rosolia comprende cervello, fegato, polmoni, occhi e orecchie. (Lll / up)